This Semester my fellow classmates and I have been tasked with a heavy project, but one that will be very rewarding in the end. This year we will "undergo and manage a creative process prior to designing in Aftereffects".
Within The First Phase of the project is to...
1) Identify and create a list of ten (10) complex processes that you would be interested in re-communicating in a motion design. Provide a brief synopsis of the process and state the purpose and/or benefit for addressing each topic. Make sure that you identify the intended audience for each idea.
2) Narrow down your 10 selections down to your best option.
3) Now that you have mapped out the process thoroughly, analyze your written explanation and see if you can find ways to minimize the complexity.
"Using simpler vocabulary and removing unnecessary steps are two ways that you can solve this problem". - Ricky Warren
My Process
The List continues but in short, I came to narrow my ideas of a complicated process down to one.
"How a Star becomes Supernova?"
The first type of supernova happens in binary star systems. Binary stars are two stars that orbit the same point. One of the stars, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf (a star near the end of its life that has used most or all of its nuclear fuel and collapsed into a size similar to Earth), steals matter from its companion star. Eventually, the white dwarf accumulates too much matter. Having too much matter causes the star to explode, resulting in a supernova.
The second type of supernova occurs at the end of a single star’s lifetime. As the star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. Eventually, the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own gravitational force. The core collapses, which results in the giant explosion of a supernova. The sun is a single star, but it does not have enough mass to become a supernova.