As my first assignment in my class Intro to Time Based Media, my classmates and I were instructed to produce a video that is comprised of a single take,that is, one continuous shot. The restrictions or limitations that we had were: no cuts or transitions, only ambient sound, and a maximum length of 5 minutes.
I found it interesting while I was on a Weekend trip to Bibb County Macon Georgia to start filming within the car that my friends and I took the trip on. I began the video by just filming the street lights and the vehicles in front of us and the rain on the window. Then I realized that the piece may be more visually compelling as a design if I were to zoom in on the composition and just get the abstract version of the lights. Now the piece evolved into a very positive and soothing composition. I cut the video down in between a song change and it became its own little "thing". I'm not really sure what the context is,but the process is just me messing around on my camera.