Chapter 1: Research for Interaction
Right at the jump of the first chapter, it is very clear that in many cases graphic designers tend to interpret digital signage in the form of creating digital marketing media and creating a project through the process of hand crafts as very separate concepts. In actuality these two separate approaches to a collective process can actually benefit the creative process as a whole.
“ The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself .” Peter Drucker
These processes are more intuitive when the final project is supposed to be stagnant , but within interactive design the layers complexity grow the more the designer encourages versatility and adversity. Like its name sake the first chapter aims to focus on the research of interactive design by focusing on techniques and processes that can benefit a designer in the long run. The chapter is broken up into sections based on the process or technique being described with further detail.
Create Relevant Content
Elaborate Research especially Market Research is crucial to any designers task. Understanding the structure of market research makes for a very powerful interactive design that will immediately move in the right direction from the get go. As the book states market research "utilizes a collection of research methods to shed light both on consumer behavior and on market competition." This is the relationship of the consumer and the consumer's competition.